I have officially been summoned to BF's office to receive a "letter to the file". Do Nada, was taken to a hospital. According to her , when I said , "Have a good weekend!" I caused her to have an anxiety attack. There were several witnesses that wrote statements that explained how I whispered something, but certainly did not invade Do Nada's personal space. This entire thing is a set- up. There was no due process. BF didn't bother to ask my side of the story. I am to receive a letter to the file for unprofessional behavior. What a bunch of BS. Talk about anxiety! I am on a one way street to the rubber room for trumped up charges ,and this good for nothin is walking around with a smirk on her face. I can't wait till Monday is over so I can move on to bigger and better things for example, my election to be the Chapter Leader for the next three years!
That is how it starts a LIF, then another Lif, finaly you are reassigned. Glad to see the teachers have reelected you for the CL position.
Never a bad idea to get written statements from one's allies. Just in case. And just in case you want to staple them to the letter in your file.
I know you know this given your position but the less you say as you get the letter the better.
Good Luck!
LI Educator (still workin' on my restricted blog!)
Thanks. My lips are sealed! The rebutal and the witness statements speak for themselves!
Good luck. I met too many chapter leaders that are either ATRs or rubber room detainees at yesterday's meeting at John Jay College.
These administrators should be sent to Guantanamo Bay, and even that is too good for them.
How do you get letters from your allies when they are terrified to speak out?
That is how it starts a LIF, then another Lif, finaly you are reassigned. Glad to see the teachers have reelected you for the CL position.
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